Convenience Industry Council of Canada


We are committed to representing the interests of convenience retailers across Canada and actively advocate for policies and regulations that promote business growth and innovation. With a collective voice, we engage with government bodies, stakeholders, and industry influencers to shape the future of the convenience retail sector. By joining the CICC, you become part of a powerful network that works to protect and advance the interests of convenience retailers, ensuring a thriving and supportive community.

Federal Advocacy

CICC provides a strong and unified voice to represent, manage and protect our industry’s reputation. As a channel that sells age-restricted products, we recognize that government must regulate, however, this must be done in a way that doesn’t add undue burden to our small businesses. Our industry is well represented in Ottawa through participation in pre-budget consultations and the stakeholder lock-up as well as the Revenue Minister’s Underground Economy Advisory Committee.

We advocate on a range of issues, including:

  • Financial Services and Payment Regulation
    • Payment Framework Modernization
    • Credit Card / Interchange Fees
    • Tax Evasion and Avoidance / Underground Economy
  • Food, Beverage and Health
    • Tobacco and Vaping
    • Marketing to Kids (M2K)
    • Front of Pack Labelling (FoP)
    • Sugar and Caffeinated Beverages
    • Grey Market and Contraband Products
    • Healthy C-Stores / Food Deserts
  • Red Tape Reduction
    • Treasury Board Regulatory Review
    • Small Business Taxation
  • Transportation & Distribution
    • Fuel and Carbon Pricing
    • Regulation and Infrastructure
    • Cross-Border Trade Implications
    • Internal Trade
  • Employment and Skills Training
    • Newcomer Employment
    • Skills and Re-Training

Provincial Advocacy

Any issues that impact on our industry’s ability to protect its employees and offer convenience and safety to our customers is something that we will vigorously defend. The CICC brings a coordinated and consistent message to governments across the country, reminding them about the critical contribution that convenience stores make to our communities.



In order to ensure the interests of the convenience industry are heard by government, the CICC weighs in on consultations for issues of importance to the channel. Below are the submissions made from the industry.